
Since the inception of the HPT (or HPP) the program has conducted 51 Annexes and the U.S. has participated in 44 of them. DOE’s membership in the HPT provides a convenient platform for RD&D collaboration between US organizations and counterparts in Europe and Japan without need obtain individual agreements for every project.

Annex 52 – Long term performance measurement of GSHP Systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings: Annex 52 will focus on surveys and creation of a library of quality long-term measurements of GSHP system performance for commercial and institutional buildings. It will also refine and extend current methodology to better characterize GSHP system performance serving commercial and institutional buildings with the full range of features shown on the market. The annex will provide a set of benchmarks for comparisons of such GSHP systems around the world.

Annex 51 – Acoustic Signature of Heat: The primary aim with Annex 51 is to increase the acceptance of heat pumps (as air-to-water, water-to-air, air-to-air and brine-to-water units) for comfort purpose with respect to the noise and vibration emissions.

Annex 50 – Heat Pumps in Multi-Family Buildings for space heating and domestic hot water (DHW): The overall aim of this Annex is to increase the use of heat pumps in multi-family buildings. The main objectives is therefore to demonstrate possible energy savings and the utilisation of renewable energy by means of heat pumps in buildings retrofitted with heat pumps without improving the building envelope.

Annex 49 – Design and integration of heat pumps for nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB): The dominating concept to reach the zero energy balance over an annual period for a nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) is the combination of a solar PV system and a heat pum. This Annex 49 is a follow-on of the work in Annex 40 on heat pump concepts for nZEB, but the scope is extended from the balance of single buildings to groups of buildings.

Annex 48 – Industrial Heat Pumps, Second Phase: This Annex is a follow-up-annex from the previous completed Annex 35 “Application of Industrial Heat Pumps”. Industrial heat pumps within this Annex are defined as heat pumps in the medium and high power range and temperatures up to 150 °C, which can be used for heat recovery and heat upgrading in industrial processes, but also for heating, cooling and air-conditioning in commercial and industrial buildings.

Annex 47 – Heat Pumps in District Heating and Cooling Systems: The objective of the Annex is to analyse the information on hot water heat pumping technologies for the production of sanitary hot water in domestic and other applications. This information will be structured in such a way that leads to better understanding in the market by the end user and policy maker.

Annex 46 – Domestic Hot Water Heat Pumps: The objective of the Annex is to analyze the information on hot water heat pumping technologies for the production of sanitary hot water in domestic and other applications. This information will be structured in such a way that leads to better understanding in the market by the end user and policy maker.

Annex 45 – Hybrid Heat Pumps: The main objective is to investigate the potential of energy and emission of greenhouse gasses emission reduction by the increased implementation of hybrid heat pumps. Both through replacement of boilers, and by means of upgrading the systems’ efficiency in existing running installations.

Annex 43 – Fuel-driven sorption heat pumps: The scope of the work of this Annex will cover the use of fuel-driven sorption heat pumps in domestic and small commercial or industrial buildings applications. If appropriate, the additional possibility of supplying cooling will also be considered.

View the Heat Pumping Technologies Ongoing Annexes with links to the individual websites.

Two recently completed Annexes are listed below.
View other Completed Annex Projects.

Annex 41 – Cold Climate Heat Pumps (Improving low ambient temperature performance of Air-Source Heat Pumps): The goal of this Annex was to identify technology solutions leading to successful (efficient & reliable) systems/equipment for residential and small commercial buildings in cold climate locations, with the primary focus on air-source heat pumps.

Annex 40 – Heat Pump Concepts for Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings: Annex 40 is an international research project on heat pump systems for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB).